Help record New Zealand’s gamefish

This site helps capture information on the recreational landed catch of important gamefish species for use in annual summary reports.

For now, the focus is on Marlin, Swordfish, Southern bluefin tuna, Bigeye, and Yellowfin tuna that are kept or released.

Please note: if you have tagged and release a fish, please use the Tag and Release form. If you have caught a tagged fish, please use the Recapture form.

Please record gamefish that are kept or released along with information on where and when they were caught.

This is for fish that have not been reported to a NZ Sport Fishing Council fishing club, these clubs also record catch and have been providing useful data for many years.

Catch information may be used for research and advocacy here and overseas.

We ask for personal information here as it is used to check for double counting of fish and will remain confidential.

Comment on the catch data from New Zealand “the most influential data component in the striped marlin stock assessment is the continuous record from the beginning of the assessment period [1952] of landed catch-at-weight data from the New Zealand recreational fishery.”

Stock assessment of Southwest Pacific striped marlin. Ducharme-Barth et al. 2019

Note: If you have filled out a New Zealand gamefish tag card and don’t want to enter data on this page the card can be handed in to your local sport fishing club or posted to:

Gamefish Tagging
Fisheries New Zealand
PO Box 53030
Auckland 2150
New Zealand